Welcome to Cross to Life Discipleship Ministries!

Do you feel trapped behind closed doors with no way out? Are you locked into destructive behavior patterns, overwhelming circumstances or painful relationships; seeking love, hope, acceptance and security, yet finding depression, anxiety, lack of fulfillment or significance?

At Cross to Life, we do not offer psychotherapy or behavior modification to make life work more effectively; we share the message of the Cross. There is A Way to appropriate the abundant life, which our Lord promised to those who trust in Him alone. God has already provided the answer to our legitimate needs for love, hope, security and significance. Only as we apply the Cross to life, can we experience true and lasting victory, through the sufficiency of the indwelling Christ.


My relationship with Linda Gammon goes back more than 15 years when she sponsored a conference in Rhode Island. Subsequently, she has had extensive training and experience with lives having been transformed. She has assembled a capable team which is empowered by the Spirit to extend the message of the Cross, which gives me great joy! I commend them to you for your prayer and support as they minister to defeated and hurting believers, as well as those seeking spiritual growth.

Charles R. Solomon, Ed.D., Founder and President, Grace Fellowship International

When you are struggling with a personal problem, it helps to discover ministries that offer compassionate care with Biblical solutions. As a trainer for Cross to Life Discipleship Ministries, I have heard inspiring testimonies from those who have tapped into divine resources with their guidance. As they expand their outreach, more opportunities will be available for people to find help and hope through Cross to Life’s strategic ministry. I heartily commend their team to those who are receptive to a Christ-centered approach to resolving personal and relational conflicts.

Dr. John Woodward, Director, Grace Fellowship International

The appropriation of the truths of the Word expressed through Cross to Life teaching brings added power to the Good News of the Gospel. Not only do we cherish the salvation and place in Glory which Christ has secured for us but we stand amazed at the new life and power He has given us for our daily walk as we surrender to the Holy Spirit. It is He that accomplishes His work in us and through us. This is not a “second blessing” but a grasping of the total blessing of the Cross which is already ours by faith. The understanding of our three-part nature – body, soul and spirit – clarifies the fact that we are completely sanctified as we exchange our life for the life of Christ (in our spirit) and yet are sanctified continually (in our soul – our mind, will and emotions) as we yield to the Spirit. We rejoice in the gifts of our gracious God!

Sue Raia, Former Women’s Director, Grace Church, Eden Prairie, MN

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The Cross is the key that unlocks every door